AI-Powered No-Show Prediction Model

Know who to engage and improve your show rate

No-shows, last-minute cancelations, and reschedules can result in a loss of up to $50K annually. The healow® AI-Powered No-Show Prediction Model utilizes machine learning to predict no-shows with up to 90% accuracy, allowing you to conduct outreach to improve your show rate.

Utilizes machine learning to predict no-shows with up to

90% accuracy

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Learn to Rebook Cancelations

Rebooking Cancelations

Don’t let canceled or open slots go to waste. Here are some ways to fill those slots:

  • Notify patients on your waitlist of available appointment slots from last-minute reschedules.
  • Publish canceled or open appointment slots online to attract new patients.

Send Text Reminders

Patients may forget their appointments. To reduce no-shows, use call, text, or email reminders for patients who are likely to miss their appointment. A simple text reminder can significantly lower your no-show rate, and following up with a same-day text reminder can decrease it still further.

Another effective reminder strategy is Messenger, which allows for automated reminders through voice messages, secure text messages, the healow apps, Patient Portal, or email.

Engage Your Patients

Improve patient engagement with healow CHECK-IN™. Patients can check in for their appointment online or via smartphone, reducing your no-show rate. Additionally, using healow Pay to collect co-pays upfront during check-in can virtually eliminate no-shows.

Boost Your Revenue

By reducing no-shows and maximizing schedule utilization, you can significantly impact your bottom line. Avoiding just one or two no-shows per day can recover up to $50K annually.*

Get Started With healow Today!