Sun Life Health thumbnail $2.14m Growth Story

Sun Life Family Health Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) with sixty-five providers across fourteen locations in Arizona. The practice serves 147,000 annual patients, offering services like primary care, family practice, pediatrics, adult dentistry, behavioral health, and diabetes education. The practice was looking for a way to improve its care gap numbers and better provide cancer screenings for its diverse patient population. It also needed to streamline its IT operations and scheduling practices. That’s when they turned to healow Insights®.

healow Insights Offers Modern Solutions

When Sun Life introduced healow Insights at their practice, they found that it gave them a snapshot of patient needs and existing care gaps. This allowed the practice to address these issues proactively while making it easier to plan upcoming appointments. It also made their IT operations significantly more efficient and helped boost annual revenues from $400,000 to an impressive $2.14 million over two years. healow Insights even helped improve patient engagement, significantly increasing the practice’s annual wellness visits.

Bridging Gaps Through Efficient Data Exchange

healow Insights allows payers and providers to bridge gaps in their healthcare delivery systems by making it much easier for all involved parties to share important information. This innovative platform offers users several comprehensive services that automate how payers and providers exchange actionable data. These include:

  • Point-of-care alerts integrated into the provider’s EHR workflow.
  • Data retrieval services that automatically provide users with medical charts and discrete EHR data aggregation.
  • Pharmacy integrations allow pharmacy staff to easily transfer actionable data to clinical care teams and give providers and clients accurate information on the costs and coverage of medication.

“With healow Insights, we went from around 700 annual wellness visits to just over 4,000 wellness visits this year. Each of those annual wellness visits has incentives attached to it,” said Trey Davis, Director of IT at Sun Life. “Having healow Insights allows health plans to pull the screen data and get the information they need to perform their audits without giving them a login to our system. That is a major benefit because it takes the work off our IT team trying to ensure they’re only accessing what they need to.”

healow Insights allows healthcare providers to streamline exchanges of data and better manage IT and scheduling practices. Click here to learn more about how the platform has improved healthcare and business practices at Sun Life.